
Establish Your Digital Identity with HashCash

HashCash presents the Decentralized Approach to Identity Management, providing for Blockchain based Digital Identity Verification Platform

Blockchain and Digital Identity

HashCash brings you a decentralized system of establishing, proving, verifying, and controlling one’s identity. Given that a person’s data and identity are valuable assets, Blockchain adds trust in relationships without relying on any intermediary’s validation.

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Blockchain Based Identity Platform by HashCash

HashCash Decentralized Identity Networks
Implement decentralized identity networks

We provide technical and security expertise and utilize our global HashCash Cloud to establish trusted identity.

HashCash Multiple Networks
Get involved and interoperate among multiple networks

W3C, DID and Verifiable Credentials, Oasis, Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) and other open standards provide the tools to build business and identity solutions on.

HashCash Business Processes
Leverage AI and industry expertise to reinvent business processes

Instil trust in processes like Know Your Customer (KYC) with decentralized identity and optimize costs through sophisticated capabilities.

Our Solution

HashCash HASH ID Platform
  • Digital identity updates its standard with the HashCash Network – Imbue trust, personal control, and simplified use of analog IDs to the Internet.
  • Collecting and carrying permanent verifiable digital credentials made easy for individuals, and organizations. Individual identity holders can access and use their credentials on the HashCash network any time and however they want.
  • We aim to replace the existing system of siloed identities, multiple passwords, and unsafe databases with frictionless, secure identity verification.

How HASH ID Works

let's get started
Creating an Identity
Personal information is collected from these IDs.
An image of a valid, government-issued ID is provided by the user.
User creates an ID using the downloaded HC App.
The data is confirmed and self-certified by the user.
The user creates a password for security. The app for scanning fingerprints in a mobile can also be used.
The phone saves the encrypted information.
Only when the user shares the information does the information become available to any third party.
The hashed, signed data is written into the blockchain by HashCash ID.
The is further protected by the app using other methods.
The user chooses to make her data available to a third party.
An identity verification "handshake" is initiated by the user with the third party.
An encrypted data envelop stores the information. Intended recipients can access this data.
Confirmation of the identities of both the participants.
The transaction between the user and the enterprise is verified and guaranteed.

Product Features

Admin Console

System for KYC/Verification

Wallet Management System

Customer Management System

Document Management

Block Confirmation tracking

UI/UX Branding

Security: 3-point architecture and DB encryption

The product is available in iOS, Android and Web versions

Client Testimonials

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