
Crypto Exchange Algo Trading

You can trade automatically with external crypto signal providers, get in touch with TradingView account and use indicators or use the existing trading terminal to align your strategy in one go.

World's Most Trusted Cryptocurrency Trading Bot

Replicate traders, manage all your exchange accounts, use market making and enjoy market arbitrage and backtest trading points.

Quick automated trading, and portfolio organization for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and 100+ other cryptocurrencies on the world's leading crypto exchanges.

Get Started

Trading Bot

How Cryptocurrency Trading Bots Work

1. Create an account and connect to supported exchanges

2. Choose a pair you want to trade and set up your cryptocurrency trading bot in 2 minutes

Long and Short Strategies
Long and short strategies

Lets you take advantage of bull and bear markets using the long and short bots.

Take Profit Targets
Take profit targets

Set a target profit mark and let the bot close the deal at the right point.

Technical Indicators
Technical indicators

Set the bot right to deploy Bollinger, Day or Volume filters to start the trade at the right time.

Large Volume Trading
Large volume trading

Without price spikes or drops, you can enjoy effortless high volume trading.

Bot Templates
Bot templates

Bot launch in as low as 5 minutes using a custom strategy or right from scratch

Real-time Tracking
Real-time tracking 2

Easy and accurate tracking of BOTS using latest technology with transparent analytics.

3. Set Up a Bot

4. Download Hashcash Trading Bot App to manage and track your bots anytime, anywhere

Hashcash Crypto Trading Bot Features

Smart Strategy Design
Smart strategy design

Using just a few clicks you can create your BOT trading strategy.

Test Before Investing
Test before investing

This platform will demonstrate the setting’s response to profit and loss.

Ready-to-go Strategies
Ready to go strategies

Pick from pre-defined strategies working on proper back test results.

TradingView Charts
Tradingview charts

The tradingview charts thoroughly assess the BOT’s performance using quick Trading View charts.

No Downloads Needed
No downloads needed

The platform stays updated with using cloud based online service.

Safe & Secure
Safe & Secure

The funds are very safe and secure within the ecosystem of the exchange.

Get started today with Hashcash

Use the only privacy-focused on-premise solution developed for advanced cryptocurrency trading.

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