
Crypto Trade Reporting

HashCash Product Benefits

HashCash IoT Testing
Gain Control

Allowing you to create, modify, use and receive analysis reports in graph format concerning your current trading activity and position by providing a snapshot of the current trading status of funds through varied indicators. Multiple formats like Excel, PDF, etc. are available.

HashCash IoT Testing
Change your Data-Outlook

Availability of reports through web-based dashboard, that is accessible to you at all times for checking or modifying, filtering, pivot tables, drill-downs, etc. to gather real-time insights into the working of the funds or overall funds activity.

Key Features

  • Detailed reports on the Orders, Executions, P&L, Positions and Exposure
  • Highly interactive and intuitive web dashboards
  • Default templates for report generation
  • Web-based tools for report designing to generate user-defined reports
  • Ad-hoc report design service offered by HashCash
  • Access and aggregate multiple data sources other than Caspian to augment the reports

To learn more about our products

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