HcNet-core can be controlled via the following commands.
Common options can be placed at any place in the command line.
Command options can only by placed after command.
$ HcNet-core convert-id
force-FBAdoesn’t change the requirements for quorum so although this node will emit FBAmessages FBAwon’t complete until there are also a quorum of other nodes also emitting FBAmessages on this same ledger. Value of force-FBAcan be reset with --reset flag.
$ HcNet-core http-command info
.well-known/aurora-history.json file in the archive root.
Option --filetype [auto|ledgerheader|meta|result|resultpair|tx|txfee]** controls type used for printing (default: auto).
Option --base64 alters the behavior to work on base64-encoded XDR rather than raw XDR.
Option --base64 alters the behavior to work on base64-encoded XDR rather than raw XDR.
HcNet-core --test -a --version 9 --version 10
Operational requirements:
By default HcNet-core listens for connections from localhost on port 11626. You can send commands to HcNet-core via a web browser, curl, or using the --c command line option (see above). Most commands return their results in JSON format.
Triggers the instance to catch up to ledger NNN from history; Mode is either ‘minimal’ (the default, if omitted) or ‘complete’.
Triggers the instance to connect to peer NAME at port NNN.
deletes the tracking cursor with identified by id. See setcursor for more information.
Adjust the log level for partition P where P is one of Bucket, Database, Fs, Herder, History, Ledger, Overlay, Process, FBA, Tx (or all if no partition is specified). Level is one of FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, VERBOSE, TRACE.
Clear metrics for a specified domain. If no domain specified, clear all metrics (for testing purposes).
returns information about the quorum for node NODE_ID (this node by default). NODE_ID is either a full key (GABCD...), an alias ($name) or an abbreviated ID (@GABCD). If compact is set, only returns a summary version.
sets or creates a cursor identified by ID with value N. ID is an uppercase AlphaNum, N is an uint32 that represents the last ledger sequence number that the instance ID processed. Cursors are used by dependent services to tell HcNet-core which data can be safely deleted by the instance. The data is historical data stored in the SQL tables such as txhistory or ledgerheaders. When all consumers processed the data for ledger sequence N the data can be safely removed by the instance. The actual deletion is performed by invoking the maintenanceendpoint or on startup. See also dropcursor.
gets the cursor identified by ID. If ID is not defined then all cursors will be returned.
Returns a JSON object with the internal state of the FBAengine for the last n (default 2) ledgers.
retrieves the currently configured upgrade settings
clears any upgrade settings