
Exchange Affiliate

How it works

    • We provide you a cryptocurrency exchange UI interface for an additional fees under your company’s brand name.
    • Your exchange order book will show all offers from PayBitoPro, multiple global exchanges, and other PayBitoPro affiliates.
    • You market the exchange and bring in customers.
    • Your customers can place offers that are matched either in your exchange or in the PayBitoPro exchange ecosystem.
    • The offer maker and taker could be on different exchanges in the PayBitoPro ecosystem. You could be the maker or the taker of an offer, your commission would be calculated as per the fees table below.
    • Your commissions are disbursed to you every month.
    • You can pull a report of your customers, fees, payment schedules and other details from your account’s reporting module.

  • There is a refundable retainer of $5,000 at start.
  • Retainer is fully refunded when your earnings exceed $15,000.

Know the exchange

  • FEES


  • 0.1%

  • FEES


  • 0.2%

Affiliates earn 40% of maker taker fees paid monthly to them.