
Architecture V19.0.0

Process-level architecture

Application owns a ledger-forming component, a p2p “overlay” component for connecting to peers and flooding messages between peers, a set-synchronization component for arriving at likely-in-sync candidate transaction sets, a transaction processing component for applying a consensus transaction set to the ledger, a crypto component for confirming signatures and hashing results, and a database component for persisting ledger changes. Two slightly-obscurely-named components are:

“BucketList”, stored in the directory “bucket”: the in-memory and on-disk linear history and ledger form that is hashed. A specific arrangement of concatenations-of-XDR. Organized around “temporal buckets”. Entries tending to stay in buckets grouped by how frequently they change.

HCP — “HcNet Consensus Protocol”, the component implementing the consensus algorithm.

Network-level architecture

Validators are kept as simple as possible and offload as much responsibility as they can to other parts of the system. In particular, validators do not store or serve long-term history archives; they do not operate a transactional (on disk) store for the “current state of the ledger”; they do not serve public HTTP requests directly. These roles are offloaded to servers that are better suited to these tasks, for which there are existing/better software stacks; validators should have an “even” and predictable system-load profile.
Validators are also kept as stateless as possible keeping disk and memory constraints in mind.

Set of core validator nodes. Running hcnet-core only. Tasked with:

  • Reaching consensus on a transaction set
  • Applying the tx set to their last ledger
  • Hashing current/recent/last-snapshot state
  • Sending SQL commands to connected DB to externalize changes
  • Writing history log to disk, running archival commands
  • Sending notification of changes to observation channel

SQL DB nodes. One per validator (or one + failover, however we make an SQL server sufficiently safe, eg. RDS). Directly associated with that validator. Tasked with:

  • Maintaining ACID view of “current ledger” as txs are applied by validator.
  • Serving queries about state of current ledger to HTTP nodes.
  • Possibly storing recent-changes / hot-history while current cold-history block is being composed by validator (TBD).
  • Not necessarily being backed up; semi-transient (medium-term) store. Can be flushed and reloaded in bulk. Will be periodically, if validator is offline and possibly just as part of regular housekeeping.
    Long-term signed, canonical state is stored in bulk form in history archives.

Set of public HTTP nodes. Not running hcnet-core. Running apache/nginx/node/HTTP stack of choice. Flexible. Tasked with:

  • HTTP traffic from the outside world
  • Serving queries about ledger state from one of the SQL DBs
  • Accepting txs, performing sanity checks, submitting to the associated validator (possibly as XDR, or normalized json) as proposal, awaiting acceptance or rejection signal from observation channel, loading results from SQL DB
  • HTTP 300-redirecting history requests into appropriate history archive and/or synthesizing hot-history blocks from the SQL store (TBD).
  • Setting up and serving any additional materialized views / trigger-maintained tables inside SQL DB that are of interest to public service. Quite flexible here; no impact aside from SQL perf on core validators.

History archives. Long term blob storage in S3/GCS/Azure. Tasked with:

  • Storing the consensus transaction log and set of ledger snapshots in canonical form (compressed XDR blocks, aim for many megabytes, but not gigabytes, per block).
  • Accepting new blocks from validators running archival commands, at frequency between minutes and hours. Effectively “continuous backup”.
  • Serving history to validators that are new or out of sync.
  • Serving history to the general public who want to analyze it / back it up.
  • All access through HTTP, and/or REST command-line tools from services. These are not servers we necessarily run (though we can run extras).