
Account Details

Account Details

Returns information and links relating to a single account.

The balances section in the returned JSON will also list all the trust lines this account has set up. Note this will only return trustlines that have the necessary authorization to work. Meaning if an accountA trusts another accountB that has the authorization required flag set the trustline wont show up until accountB allows accountA to hold its assets.

The balances section in the returned JSON will also list all the trust lines this account has set up. Note this will only return trustlines that have the necessary authorization to work. Meaning if an accountA trusts another accountB that has the authorization required flag set the trustline wont show up until accountB allows accountA to hold its assets.


GET /accounts/{account}


Name Notes Description Example
account required, string Account ID GA2HGBJIJKI6O4XEM7CZWY5PS6GKSXL6D34ERAJYQSPYA6X6AI7HYW36

This endpoint responds with the details of a single account for a given ID. See account resource for reference.