
Post Transactions

Post Transactions

Posts a new transaction to the HcNet. Note that creating a valid transaction and signing it properly is the responsibility of your client library.

Transaction submission and the subsequent validation and inclusion into the HcNet’s ledger is a complicated and asynchronous process. To reduce the complexity, Aurora manages these asynchronous processes for the client and will wait to hear results from the HcNet before returning an HTTP response to a client.

Transaction submission to aurora aims to be idempotent: a client can submit a given transaction to aurora more than once and Aurora will behave the same each time. If the transaction has already been successfully applied to the ledger, aurora will simply return the saved result and not attempt to submit the transaction again. Only in cases where a transaction’s status is unknown (and thus will have a chance of being included into a ledger) will a resubmission to the network occur.


If you are encountering this error it means that either:

  • Aurora has not received a confirmation from the Core server that the transaction you are trying to submit to the network was included in a ledger in a timely manner or:
  • Aurora has not sent a response to a reverse-proxy before in a specified time.

The former case may happen because there was no room for your transaction in the 3 consecutive ledgers. In such case, Core server removes a transaction from a queue. To solve this you can either:

  • Keep resubmitting the same transaction (with the same sequence number) and wait until it finally is added to a new ledger or:
  • Increase the fee.

POST /transactions


Name Loc Notes Description Example
tx body required AAAAAO…f4yDBA== Base64 representation of transaction envelope XDR


A successful response (i.e. any response with a successful HTTP response code) indicates that the transaction was successful and has been included into the ledger.

If the transaction failed or errored, then an error response will be returned. Please see the errors section below.


Name Type
hash string A hex-encoded hash of the submitted transaction.
ledger number The ledger number that the submitted transaction was included in.
envelope_xdr string A base64 encoded TransactionEnvelope XDR object.
result_xdr string A base64 encoded TransactionResult XDR object.
result_meta_xdr string A base64 encoded TransactionMeta XDR object.

curl X POST \



"hash" : "c492d87c4642815dfb3c7dcce01af4effd162b031064098a0d786b6e0a00fd74",

"ledger" : 2,



