
Before History

Before History

A Aurora server may be configured to only keep a portion of the hcnet network’s history stored within its database. This error will be returned when a client requests a piece of information (such as a page of transactions or a single operation) that the server can positively identify as falling outside the range of recorded history.


As with all errors Aurora returns, before_history follows the Problem Details for HTTP APIs draft specification guide and thus has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
Type URL The identifier for the error. This is a URL that can be visited in the browser.
Title string A short title describing the error.
Status Number An HTTP status code that maps to the error.
Detail string A more detailed description of the error.
Instance string A token that uniquely identifies this request. Allows server administrators to correlate a client report with server log files
result_xdr string A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionResultPair xdr struct for this transaction
result_meta_xdr string A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionMeta xdr struct for this transaction
fee_meta_xdr string A base64 encoded string of the raw LedgerEntryChanges xdr struct produced by taking fees for this transaction.

$ curl -X GET


"type" : "before_history",

"title" : "Data Requested Is Before Recorded History",

"status" : 410,

"detail" : "This Aurora instance is configured to only track a portion of the hcnet network's latest history. This request is asking for results prior to the recorded history known to this Aurora instance."

"instance" : "network-paybito-001.prd.hcnet001.hcnet.-ops.com/ngUFNhn76T-078058"
