This endpoint returns successful operations that occurred in a given ledger.
GET /ledgers/{id}/operations{?cursor,limit,order}
Name | Notes | Description | Example |
id | required, number | Ledger ID | 69859 |
?cursor | optional, default null | A paging token, specifying where to start returning records from. | 12884905984 |
?order | optional, string, default asc | The order in which to return rows, “asc” or “desc”. | asc |
?limit | optional, number, default: 10 | Maximum number of records to return. | 200 |
This endpoint responds with a list of operations in a given ledger. See operation resource for reference.
curl “”
“_links” : {
“effects” : {
“href” : “/operations/77309415424/effects/{?cursor,limit,order}”,
“templated” : true
“precedes” : {
“href” : “/operations?cursor=77309415424&order=asc”
“self” : {
“href” : “/operations/77309415424”
“succeeds” : {
“href” : “/operations?cursor=77309415424&order=desc”
“transactions” : {
“href” : “/transactions/77309415424”
“id” : 77309415424,
“paging_token” : “77309415424”,
“starting_balance” : 1e+14,
“type_i” : 0,
“type” : “create_account”,
“_links” : {
“next” : {
“href” : “/ledgers/18/operations?order=asc&limit=10&cursor=77309415424”
“prev” : {
“href” : “/ledgers/18/operations?order=desc&limit=10&cursor=77309415424”
“self” : {
“href” : “/ledgers/18/operations?order=asc&limit=10&cursor=”