


A trade represents a fulfilled offer. For example, let’s say that there exists an offer to sell 9 foo_bank/EUR for 3 baz_exchange/BTC and you make an offer to buy 3 foo_bank/EUR for 1 baz_exchange/BTC. Since your offer and the existing one cross, a trade happens. After the trade completes:

  • you are 3 foo_bank/EUR richer and 1 baz_exchange/BTC poorer
  • the maker of the other offer is 1 baz_exchange/BTC richer and 3 foo_bank/EUR poorer
  • your offer is completely fulfilled and no longer exists
  • the other offer is partially fulfilled and becomes an offer to sell 6 foo_bank/EUR for 2 baz_exchange/BTC. The price of that offer doesn’t change, but the amount does.

Trades can also be caused by successful path payments, because path payments involve fulfilling offers.

Payments are one-way in that afterwards, the source account has a smaller balance and the destination account of the payment has a bigger one. Trades are two-way; both accounts increase and decrease their balances.

A trade occurs between two parties - base and counter. Which is which is either arbitrary or determined by the calling query.


Attribute Type
id string The ID of this trade.
paging_token string A paging token suitable for use as a cursor parameter.
ledger_close_time string An ISO 8601 formatted string of when the ledger with this trade was closed.
offer_id string DEPRECATED. the sell offer id.
base_account string base party of this trade
base_offer_id string the base offer id. If this offer was immediately fully consumed this will be a synthetic id
base_amount string amount of base asset that was moved from base_account to counter_account
base_asset_type string type of base asset
base_asset_code string code of base asset
base_asset_issuer string issuer of base asset
counter_offer_id string the counter offer id. If this offer was immediately fully consumed this will be a synthetic id
counter_account string counter party of this trade
counter_amount string amount of counter asset that was moved from counter_account to base_account
counter_asset_type string type of counter asset
counter_asset_code string counter_asset_code
counter_asset_issuer string issuer of counter asset
price_r object original offer price, expressed as a rational number. example: {N:7, D:3}
base_is_seller boolean indicates which party of the trade made the sell offer

Price_r Object

Price_r is a more precise representation of a bid/ask offer.

Attribute Type
n number The numerator.
d number The denominator.

Thus to get price you would take n / d.

Synthetic Offer Ids

Offer ids in the Aurora trade resource (base_offer_id, counter_offer_id) are synthetic and don’t always reflect the respective HcNet-core offer ids. This is due to the fact that HcNet-core does not assign offer ids when an offer gets filled immediately. In these cases, aurora synthetically generates an offer id for the buying offer, based on the total order id of the offer operation. This allows wallets to aggregate historical trades based on offer ids without adding special handling for edge cases. The exact encoding can be found here.


rel Example Description templated
base /accounts/{base_account} Link to details about the base account true
counter /accounts/{counter_account} Link to details about the counter account true
operation /operation/{operation_id} Link to the operation of the assets bought and sold. true


Resource Type Resource URI Template
Trades Collection /trades
Account Trades Collection /accounts/:account_id/trades