
Orderbook Details

Orderbook Details

People on the HCNet can make offers to buy or sell assets. These offers are summarized by the assets being bought and sold in orderbooks.

Aurora will return, for each orderbook, a summary of the orderbook and the bids and asks associated with that orderbook.

This endpoint can also be used in streaming mode so it is possible to use it to listen as offers are processed in the Hashcash network. If called in streaming mode Aurora will start at the earliest known offer unless a cursor is set. In that case it will start from the cursor. You can also set cursorvalue to now to only stream offers created since your request time.


GET /order_book?selling_asset_type={selling_asset_type}&selling_asset_code={selling_asset_code}&selling_asset_issuer={selling_asset_issuer}&buying_asset_type={buying_asset_type}&buying_asset_code={buying_asset_code}&buying_asset_issuer={buying_asset_issuer}&limit={limit}


Name Notes Description Example
selling_asset_type required, string Type of the Asset being sold native
selling_asset_code optional, string Code of the Asset being sold USD
selling_asset_issuer optional, string Account ID of the issuer of the Asset being sold GA2HGBJIJKI6O4XEM7CZWY5PS6GKSXL6D34ERAJYQSPYA6X6AI7HYW36
buying_asset_type required, string Type of the Asset being bought credit_alphanum4
buying_asset_code optional, string Code of the Asset being bought BTC
buying_asset_issuer optional, string Account ID of the issuer of the Asset being bought GD6VWBXI6NY3AOOR55RLVQ4MNIDSXE5JSAVXUTF35FRRI72LYPI3WL6Z
limit optional, string Limit the number of items returned 20


The summary of the orderbook and its bids and asks.

curl "https://network.paybito.com/order_book?selling_asset_type=native&buying_asset_type=credit_alphanum4&buying_asset_code=FOO&buying_asset_issuer=GBAUUA74H4XOQYRSOW2RZUA4QL5PB37U3JS5NE3RTB2ELJVMIF5RLMAG&limit=20"


"bids" : [

"price_r" : {

"n" : 100000000,

"d" : 12953367


"price" : "7.7200005",

"amount" : "12.0000000"



"asks" : [

"price_r" : {

"n" : 194,

"d" : 25


"price" : "7.7600000",

"amount" : "238.4804125"



"base" : {

"asset_type" : "native"


"counter" : {

"asset_type" : "credit_alphanum4",

"asset_code" : "FOO",


