


In the HC network, users interact using accounts which can be controlled by a corresponding keypair that can authorize transactions. One can create a new account with the Create Account operation.

To learn more about the concept of accounts in the HC network, take a look at the HC Net account concept guide.

When aurora returns information about an account it uses the following format:


Attribute Type
id string The canonical id of this account, suitable for use as the :id parameter for url templates that require an account’s ID.
account_id string The account’s public key encoded into a base32 string representation.
sequence number The current sequence number that can be used when submitting a transaction from this account.
subentry_count number The number of account subentries.
balances array of objects An array of the native asset or credits this account holds.
thresholds object An object of account flags.
flags array of objects The flags denote the enabling/disabling of certain asset issuer privileges.
signers array of objects An array of account signers with their weights.
data object An array of account data fields.

Signer Object

Attribute Type
public_key string Deprecated: replaced by key.
weight number The numerical weight of a signer, necessary to determine whether a transaction meets the threshold requirements.
key string Different depending on the type of the signer.
type string See below.

Possible Signer Types

ed25519_public_key A normal HashCash public key.
sha256_hash The SHA256 hash of some arbitrary x. Adding a signature of this type allows anyone who knows x to sign a transaction from this account. Note: once this transaction is broadcast, x will be known publicly.
preauth_tx The hash of a pre-authorized transaction. This signer is automatically removed from the account when a matching transaction is properly applied.

Balances Object

Attribute Type
balance string How much of an asset is owned.
buying_liabilities string The total amount of an asset offered to buy aggregated over all offers owned by this account.
selling_liabilities string The total amount of an asset offered to sell aggregated over all offers owned by this account.
limit optional, number The maximum amount of an asset that this account is willing to accept (this is specified when an account opens a trustline).
asset_type string Either native, credit_alphanum4, or credit_alphanum12.
asset_code optional, string The code for the asset.
asset_issuer optional, string The HashCash address of the given asset’s issuer.

Flag Object

Attribute Type
auth_immutable bool With this setting, none of the following authorization flags can be changed.
auth_required bool With this setting, an institutional host must approve anyone who wants to hold its asset.
auth_revocable bool With this setting, an institutional host can set the authorize flag of an existing trustline to freeze the assets held by an asset holder.

Threshold Object

Attribute Type
low_threshold number The weight required for a valid transaction including the Allow Trust and Bump Sequence operations.
med_threshold number The weight required for a valid transaction including the Create Account, Payment, Path Payment, Manage Offer, Create Passive Offer, Change Trust, Inflation, and Manage Data operations.
high_threshold number The weight required for a valid transaction including the Account Merge and Set Options operations.


Rel Example Description Templated
data /accounts/GAOEWNUEKXKNGB2AAOX6S6FEP6QKCFTU7KJH647XTXQXTMOAUATX2VF5/data/{key} Data fields related to this account true
effects /accounts/GAOEWNUEKXKNGB2AAOX6S6FEP6QKCFTU7KJH647XTXQXTMOAUATX2VF5/effects/{?cursor,limit,order} The effects related to this account true
offers /accounts/GAOEWNUEKXKNGB2AAOX6S6FEP6QKCFTU7KJH647XTXQXTMOAUATX2VF5/offers/{?cursor,limit,order} The offers related to this account true
operations /accounts/GAOEWNUEKXKNGB2AAOX6S6FEP6QKCFTU7KJH647XTXQXTMOAUATX2VF5/operations/{?cursor,limit,order} The operations related to this account true
payments /accounts/GAOEWNUEKXKNGB2AAOX6S6FEP6QKCFTU7KJH647XTXQXTMOAUATX2VF5/payments/{?cursor,limit,order} The payments related to this account true
trades /accounts/GAOEWNUEKXKNGB2AAOX6S6FEP6QKCFTU7KJH647XTXQXTMOAUATX2VF5/trades/{?cursor,limit,order} The trades related to this account true
transactions /accounts/GAOEWNUEKXKNGB2AAOX6S6FEP6QKCFTU7KJH647XTXQXTMOAUATX2VF5/transactions/{?cursor,limit,order} The transactions related to this account true



"_links" : {

"self" : {

"href" : "https://network.paybito.com/accounts/GBRTWTVW65NO4AER7W6G5CTVWGZCLQJIKJTAX523Q5GPU6TNJONXOR23"


"transactions" : {

"href" : "https://network.paybito.com/accounts/GBRTWTVW65NO4AER7W6G5CTVWGZCLQJIKJTAX523Q5GPU6TNJONXOR23/transactions{?cursor,limit,order}",

"templated" : true


"operations" : {

"href" : "https://network.paybito.com/accounts/GBRTWTVW65NO4AER7W6G5CTVWGZCLQJIKJTAX523Q5GPU6TNJONXOR23/operations{?cursor,limit,order}",

"templated" : true


"payments" : {

"href" : "https://network.paybito.com/accounts/GBRTWTVW65NO4AER7W6G5CTVWGZCLQJIKJTAX523Q5GPU6TNJONXOR23/payments{?cursor,limit,order}",

"templated" : true


"effects" : {

"href" : "https://network.paybito.com/accounts/GBRTWTVW65NO4AER7W6G5CTVWGZCLQJIKJTAX523Q5GPU6TNJONXOR23/effects{?cursor,limit,order}",

"templated" : true


"offers" : {

"href" : "https://network.paybito.com/accounts/GBRTWTVW65NO4AER7W6G5CTVWGZCLQJIKJTAX523Q5GPU6TNJONXOR23/offers{?cursor,limit,order}",

"templated" : true


"trades" : {

"href" : "https://network.paybito.com/accounts/GBRTWTVW65NO4AER7W6G5CTVWGZCLQJIKJTAX523Q5GPU6TNJONXOR23/trades{?cursor,limit,order}",

"templated" : true


"data" : {

"href" : "https://network.paybito.com/accounts/GBRTWTVW65NO4AER7W6G5CTVWGZCLQJIKJTAX523Q5GPU6TNJONXOR23/data/{key}",

"templated" : true




"paging_token" : "",


"sequence" : "26509955490119684",

"subentry_count" : 1,

"thresholds" : {

"low_threshold" : 0,

"med_threshold" : 0,

"high_threshold" : 0


"flags" : {

"auth_required" : false,

"auth_revocable" : false


"balances" : [


"balance" : "9999.9999600",

"asset_type" : "native"



"signers" : [



"weight" : 1



"data" : {

"club" : "MTAw"




Resource Type Resource URI Template
Account Details Single /accounts/:id
Account Data Single /accounts/:id/data/:key
Account Transactions Collection /accounts/:account_id/transactions
Account Operations Collection /accounts/:account_id/operations
Account Payments Collection /accounts/:account_id/payments
Account Effects Collection /accounts/:account_id/effects
Account Offers Collection /accounts/:account_id/offers