The metrics endpoint returns a host of useful data points for monitoring the health of the underlying Aurora process.
GET /metrics
The /metrics endpoint returns a typical json response. Below, each section of related data points are grouped together and annotated (note: this endpoint returns ALL this data in one response).
Attribute | Endpoint | Description |
self | /metrics | Link to self. |
Sub Metrics
Various sub metrics related to a certain metric’s performance.
Metric | Description |
1m.rate, 5min.rate, etc. | The per-minute moving average rate of events per second at the given time interval. |
75%, 95%, etc. | Counts at different percentiles. |
count | Sum total of a certain metric value. |
max, mean, etc. | Common statistic calculations. |
curl ““
“_links” : {
“effects” : {
“href” : “/metrics”
Aurora utilizes Go’s built in concurrency primitives (goroutines and channels). This metric monitors the number of currently running goroutines on this Aurora’s process.
Example Response:
“goroutines” : {
“value” : 3193
Aurora maintains its own database (postgres), a verbose and user friendly account of activity on the HCNet.
Metric | Description |
elder_ledger | The sequence number of the oldest ledger recorded in Aurora’s database. |
latest_ledger | The sequence number of the youngest (most recent) ledger recorded in Aurora’s database. |
open_connections | The number of open connections to the Aurora database. |
Example Response:
“history.elder_ledger” : {
“value” : 1
“history.latest_ledger” : {
“value” : 19203710
“history.open_connections” : {
“value” : 4
Ingester represents metrics specific to Aurora’s ingestion process, or the process by which Aurora consumes transaction results from a connected Hashcash Core instance.
Metric | Description |
clear_ledger | The count and rate of clearing (per ledger) for this Aurora process. |
ingest_ledger | The count and rate of ingestion (per ledger) for this Aurora process. |
These metrics contain useful sub metrics.
“ingester.clear_ledger” : {
“15m.rate” : 0 ,
“1m.rate” : 0 ,
“5m.rate” : 0 ,
“75%” : 0 ,
“95%” : 0 ,
“99%” : 0 ,
“99.9%” : 0 ,
“count” : 0 ,
“max” : 0 ,
“mean” : 0 ,
“mean.rate” : 0 ,
“median” : 0 ,
“min” : 0 ,
“stddev” : 0
“ingester.ingest_ledger” : {
“15m.rate” : 0.20015746469980858 ,
“1m.rate” : 0.20369424731639432 ,
“5m.rate” : 0.20048643236880492,
“75%” : 13843204 ,
“95%” : 33225286.699999996,
“99%” : 55083311.51000008 ,
“99.9%” : 169331014.0600002 ,
“count” : 73796 ,
“max” : 171032904,
“mean” : 9263325.741245136,
“mean.rate” : 0.1999594297254709,
“median” : 3646103,
“min” : 17686,
“stddev” : 13151784.696390135
Aurora utilizes the standard debug, error, etc. levels of logging. This metric outputs stats for each level of log message produced, useful for a high-level monitoring of “is my Aurora instance functioning properly?” In order of increasing severity:
These metrics contain useful sub metrics.
Example Response:
“logging.debug” : {
“15m.rate” : 0 ,
“1m.rate” : 0 ,
“5m.rate” : 0 ,
“count” : 0 ,
“mean.rate” : 0 ,
“logging.error” : {
“15m.rate” : 1.2400751801386238e-53 ,
“1m.rate” : 2.964393875e-314,
“5m.rate” : 4.6339748288133364e-153,
“count” : 10 ,
“mean.rate” : 0.000027096232281212114,
“” : {
“15m.rate” : 236.778108287207 ,
“1m.rate” : 244.72112725997695,
“5m.rate” : 241.17582109786107,
“count” : 91818969,
“mean.rate” : 248.79427989406037,
“logging.panic” : {
“15m.rate” : 0 ,
“1m.rate” : 0 ,
“5m.rate” : 0 ,
“count” : 0 ,
“mean.rate” : 0 ,
“logging.warning” : {
“15m.rate” : 0 ,
“1m.rate” : 0 ,
“5m.rate” : 0 ,
“count” : 0 ,
“mean.rate” : 0 ,
Requests represents an overview of Aurora’s incoming traffic.
These metrics contain useful sub metrics.
Metric | Description |
failed | Failed requests are those that return a status code in [400, 600). |
succeeded | Successful requests are those that return a status code in [200, 400). |
total | Total number of received requests. |
Example Response:
“requests.failed” : {
“15m.rate” : 22.419448554871114,
“1m.rate” : 33.09974656989629,
“5m.rate” : 26.745898323150673,
“count” : 8998213,
“mean.rate” : 24.38172358144542,
“requests.succeeded” : {
“15m.rate” : 76.81566860149793,
“1m.rate” : 78.85014329639597,
“5m.rate” : 77.96890869538107,
“count” : 29565299,
“mean.rate” : 80.11065378819903,
“” : {
“15m.rate” : 118.62183027832366 ,
“1m.rate” : 122.02995392023216,
“5m.rate” : 121.08103024256366,
“75%” : 8460442211 ,
“95%” : 59512053388.35,
“99%” : 59967007994.07 ,
“99.9%” : 121499506095.66623 ,
“count” : 45873213,
“max” : 123330396447,
“mean” : 7448679208.666343,
“mean.rate” : 124.2988641791271,
“median” : 13832639.5,
“min” : 20264,
“stddev” : 16825540184.214636
As noted above, Aurora relies on Hashcash Core to stay in sync with the Hashcash network. These metrics are specific to the underlying Hashcash Core instance.
Metric | Description |
latest_ledger | The sequence number of the latest (most recent) ledger recorded in Hashcash Core’s database. |
open_connections | The number of open connections to the Hashcash Core postgres database. |
Example Response:
“hashcash_core.latest_ledge” : {
“value” : 19203710
“hashcash_core.open_connections” : {
“value” : 4
Aurora does not submit transactions directly to the Hashcash network. Instead, it sequences transactions and sends the base64 encoded, XDR serialized blob to its connected Hashcash Core instance.
The following is a simplified version of the transaction submission process that glosses over the finer details. To dive deeper, check out the source code.
Aurora’s sequencing mechanism consists of a manager that keeps track of submission queues for a set of addresses. A submission queue is a priority queue, prioritized by minimum transaction sequence number, that holds a set of pending transactions for an account. A pending transaction is represented as an object with a sequence number and a channel. Periodically, this queue is updated, popping off finished transactions, sending down the transaction’s channel a successful/failure response.
These metrics contain useful sub metrics.
Metric | Description |
buffered | The count of submissions buffered behind this Aurora’s submission queue. |
failed | The rate of failed transactions that have been submitted to this Aurora. |
open | The count of “open” submissions (i.e.) submissions whose transactions haven’t been confirmed successful or failed. |
succeeded | The rate of successful transactions that have been submitted to this Aurora. |
total | Both the rate and count of all transactions submitted to this Aurora. |
Example Response:
“txsub.buffered” : {
“value” : 0
“txsub.failed” : {
“15m.rate” : 0.02617642409672995,
“1m.rate” : 0.030745796597772223,
“5m.rate” : 0.02768989245087351,
“count” : 8091,
“mean.rate” : 0.021923569654356184,
“” : {
“value” : 1
“txsub.succeeded” : {
“15m.rate” : 0.4530627633404272,
“1m.rate” : 0.5703741067858975,
“5m.rate” : 0.4981318318429001,
“count” : 194145,
“mean.rate” : 0.5260599963594831,
“” : {
“15m.rate” : 0.47923918743715727 ,
“1m.rate” : 0.6011199033836697,
“5m.rate” : 0.5258217242937737,
“75%” : 44230960,
“95%” : 93582192.49999997,
“99%” : 288280173.0500002 ,
“99.9%” : 1413075508.2000008 ,
“count” : 202236,
“max” : 1418386864,
“mean” : 40583370.680933855,
“mean.rate” : 0.5479835660141416,
“median” : 20234100.5,
“min” : 3936410,
“stddev” : 95227916.95851417