


Orderbooks are collections of offers for each issuer and currency pairs. Let’s say you wanted to exchange EUR issued by a particular bank for BTC issued by a particular exchange. You would look at the orderbook and see who is buying foo_bank/EUR and selling baz_exchange/BTC and at what prices.


Attribute Type
bids object Array of {price_r, price, amount} objects (see offers). These represent prices and amounts accounts are willing to buy for the given selling and buying pair..
asks object Array of {price_r, price, amount} objects (see offers). These represent prices and amounts accounts are willing to sell for the given selling and buying pair.
base Asset The Asset this offer wants to sell.
counter Asset The Asset this offer wants to buy.
Bid Object
Attribute Type
price_r object An object of a number numerator and number denominator that represents the bid price.
price string The bid price of the asset. A number representing the decimal form of price_r
amount string The amount of asset bid offer.
Ask Object
Attribute Type
price_r object An object of a number numerator and number denominator that represents the ask price.
price string The ask price of the asset. A number representing the decimal form of price_r
amount string The amount of asset ask offer.
Price_r Object

Price_r is a more precise representation of a bid/ask offer.

Attribute Type
n number The numerator.
d number The denominator.


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Resource Type Resource URI Template
Orderbook Details Single /orderbook?{orderbook_params}
Trades Collection /trades?{orderbook_params}