


Pages represent a subset of a larger collection of objects. As an example, it would be unfeasible to provide the All Transactions endpoint without paging. Over time there will be millions of transactions in the HCNet’s ledger and returning them all over a single request would be unfeasible.


A page itself exposes no attributes. It is merely a container for embedded records and some links to aid in iterating the entire collection the page is part of.


A cursor is a number that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.

The cursor attribute itself is an opaque value meaning that users should not try to parse it.

Embedded Resources

A page contains an embedded set of records, regardless of the contained resource.

Attribute Type
bids object Array of {price_r, price, amount} objects (see offers). These represent prices and amounts accounts are willing to buy for the given selling and buying pair..
asks object Array of {price_r, price, amount} objects (see offers). These represent prices and amounts accounts are willing to sell for the given selling and buying pair.
base Asset The Asset this offer wants to sell.
counter Asset The Asset this offer wants to buy.


A page provides a couple of links to ease in iteration.

Example Relation
self /transactions
prev /transactions?cursor=12884905984&order=desc&limit=10 The previous page of results
next /transactions?cursor=12884905984&order=asc&limit=10 The next page of results


"_embedded" : {

"records" : [


"_links" : {

"self" : {

"href" : "/operations/12884905984"


"transaction" : {

"href" : "/transaction/6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a"


"precedes" : {

"href" : "/account/GCEZWKCA5VLDNRLN3RPRJMRZOX3Z6G5CHCGSNFHEYVXM3XOJMDS674JZ/payments?cursor=12884905984&order=asc{?limit}",

"templated" : true


"succeeds" : {

"href" : "/account/GCEZWKCA5VLDNRLN3RPRJMRZOX3Z6G5CHCGSNFHEYVXM3XOJMDS674JZ/payments?cursor=12884905984&order=desc{?limit}",

"templated" : true


"id" : 12884905984,

"paging_token" : "12884905984",

"type_i" : 0,

"type" : "payment




"asset" : {

"code" : "XLM"


"amount" : 1000000000,

"amount_f" : 100.00




"_links" : {

"next" : {

"href" : "/account/GCEZWKCA5VLDNRLN3RPRJMRZOX3Z6G5CHCGSNFHEYVXM3XOJMDS674JZ/payments?cursor=12884905984&order=asc&limit=100"


"prev" : {

"href" : "/account/GCEZWKCA5VLDNRLN3RPRJMRZOX3Z6G5CHCGSNFHEYVXM3XOJMDS674JZ/payments?cursor=12884905984&order=desc&limit=100"


"self" : {

"href" : "/account/GCEZWKCA5VLDNRLN3RPRJMRZOX3Z6G5CHCGSNFHEYVXM3XOJMDS674JZ/payments?limit=100"





Any endpoint that provides a collection of resources will represent them as pages.